
    Computer circuit design and logic [Text] : teaching manual for independent work of students from the courses "Computer circuit design", "Computer logic". Part 2. Mathematical models of computer codes, structures, algorithms and circuit design of computer arithmetic operations / V. Lakhno [et al.] ; National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. - К. : Comprint, 2023. - 348 p. - 150.00 grn.
РУБ 004.4(075)
Рубрики: Інформаційні технології

Доп.точки доступа:
Lakhno, V.; Gusev, B.; Kasatkin, D.; Dubovik, S.; National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Экземпляры всего: 5
Ф-11 (4), НФ (1)
Свободны: Ф-11 (4), НФ (1)